quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

Revista CaseBem 13a edição

Cakephoto , pra quem ainda não sabe é meu projeto e do Denny para fotografia de casamento.
Estamos no site da revista CaseBem em pequena matéria sobre nosso trabalho para o editorial que realizamos para revista. Espiem lá!

Leishmaniose Visceral e você: NÃO pense que não tem nada a ver. Leia e repasse, POR FAVOR!

Super importante o post que a Ana Corina fez no blog dela sobre a Leishmaniose!
Quem pensa que a doença só é problema de quem tem cães!! Saibam que o mosquito prefere outros animais (inclusive humanos)
antes de preferir o cachorro!
Como se prevenir !!!

domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010

Bendito TCC - tesouros do Mr. Avedon

E esse bendito (nem sempre, as vezes bem maldito) TCC que tem me trazido grandes achados!
Por exemplo, hoje numa busca por retratos do Richard Avedon me deparo com uma foto que reúne 3 dos meus fotógrafos preferidos de todos os tempos!!!
Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, Helmut Newton! (NY 1983 foto de Roxanne Lowitt).
Como se não bastasse encontrei também o texto completo da carta que Richard Avedon escreveu pro seu pai e que foi encontrada no bolso do palitó do pai dele depois que ele morreu.
Assistam ao documentário Darkness & Light num dos posts que fiz aqui no blog!

Abaixo segue o texto da carta.

In 1970, I showed my father for the first time one of the portraits that I had made of him in the years just before. He was wounded. My sense of what is beautiful was very different from his. I wrote to him to try and explain.

Dear Dad,

I’m putting this in a letter because phone calls have a way of disappearing in the whatever it is. I’m trying to put into words what I feel most deeply, not just about you, but about my work and the years of undefinable father and son between us. I’ve never understood why I’ve saved the best that’s in me for strangers like Stravinsky and not for my own father.

There was a picture of you on the piano that I saw every day when I was growing up. It was by the Bachrach studio and heavily retouched and we all used to call it “Smilin’ Jack Avedon”—it was a family joke, because it was a photograph of a man we never saw, and of a man I never knew. Years later, Bachrach did an advertisement with me—Richard Avedon, Photographer—as a subject. Their photograph of me was the same as the photograph of you. We were up on the same piano, where neither of us had ever lived.

I am trying to do something else. When you pose for a photograph, it’s behind a smile that isn’t yours. You are angry and hungry and alive. What I value in you is that intensity. I want to make portraits as intense as people. I want your intensity to pass into me, go through the camera and become a recognition to a stranger. I love your ambition and your capacity for disappointment, and that’s still as alive in you as it has ever been.

Do you remember you tried to show me how to ride a bicycle, when I was nine years old? You had come up to New Hampshire for the weekend, I think, in the summer when we were there on vacation, and you were wearing your business suit. You were showing me how to ride a bike, and you fell and I saw your face then. I remember the expression on your face when you fell. I had my box Brownie with me, and I took the picture.

I’m not making myself clear. Do you understand?

Love, Dick

sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010

Le Chouê

Aqui uma amostra do trabalho que fiz fotografando o Look Book da Le Chouê www.lechoue.com.br . É uma marca nova de roupas infantis, uma mais linda que a outra! O design das roupas sempre tem algum detalhe super criativo fugindo do óbvio! Criança também quer estar na moda! :P

Clique nas imagens para ampliá-las.

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

In Love with mr. Avedon

Quanto mais leio sobre Richard Avedon e busco material sobre ele e o trabalho dele, mais me apaixono! Meu TCC é sobre ele e me encontro num momento bloqueada e oprimida. As informações que encontrei , os textos depoimentos, documentários me fazem sentir pequena, sem vocabulário, quase analfabeta. Tudo bem, a forma como todo esse conteúdo vem tocando meu interno e inspirando meu mundinho interior faz tudo isso valer a pena e a cada dia me encontro mais apaixonada por Mr. Avedon!

Acabei de assistir pela milhonésima vez o documentário Darkness and Light e é impressionante como cada vez que assisto algo diferente me salta aos olhos , aos ouvidos, ao coração!
Vou copiar aqui algo que ele diz e que cala minha boca ou qualquer pretensão de querer desdobrar ou "dizer melhor" essa frase.
Enjoy e inspirem-se !

" In visual terms there has been nothing like photography in the history of the world. There's no vocabulary for it. It has nothing to do with painting, it literally stops something dead. It's the death of the moment. The second a picture is taken that life is held and stopped and over. That moment is over. It's part of the melancholy, part of the beauty of what is a photograph, and the thing that has happened to me lately in this sense is that I didn't take the photographs, that they have a life of their own. It's endlessly mysterious to me. " - Richard Avedon

Alice Linck Photography's Fan Box