Acabei de assistir pela milhonésima vez o documentário Darkness and Light e é impressionante como cada vez que assisto algo diferente me salta aos olhos , aos ouvidos, ao coração!
Vou copiar aqui algo que ele diz e que cala minha boca ou qualquer pretensão de querer desdobrar ou "dizer melhor" essa frase.
Enjoy e inspirem-se !

" In visual terms there has been nothing like photography in the history of the world. There's no vocabulary for it. It has nothing to do with painting, it literally stops something dead. It's the death of the moment. The second a picture is taken that life is held and stopped and over. That moment is over. It's part of the melancholy, part of the beauty of what is a photograph, and the thing that has happened to me lately in this sense is that I didn't take the photographs, that they have a life of their own. It's endlessly mysterious to me. " - Richard Avedon
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